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Little Secret, Red Hot Scandal Page 16

  Pleased with the arrangements he’d made, Nate headed into the studio. He got a text from his publicist letting him know his statement had gone out to news organizations denying that he was the father of Ivy’s baby. An hour later his phone lit up with Javier Navarro’s number. Nate was in the middle of a recording session and let the call go to voice mail. He knew it would only annoy Mia’s father, but Nate wanted to pick the time and place for his conversation with Javier.

  Forty-five minutes later he turned the session over to one of his assistants and headed to his office. Nate dialed Javier and braced himself for what was to come. Ivy’s dad could be hotheaded when it came to his daughter.

  “How dare you call my daughter a liar,” was the first thing out of Javier’s mouth.

  Nate sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I think you need to have a conversation with your daughter,” he said. “I am not the father of Ivy’s baby.”

  “She says you are.”

  “That’s impossible, since she and I don’t have that sort of relationship.” Nate wanted very badly to tell Javier exactly what he thought of his spoiled, childish daughter, but he owed it to Mia to try to keep from exacerbating an already tricky situation.

  “That’s not how she sees it.”

  Nate was over trying to keep his cool and remain polite, but recognized if he blew up Mia would catch the brunt of the trouble. “Look.” He paused to suck in a calming breath and even out his tone. “Ivy and I never... I don’t know why she picked me, but I’m not the guy.”

  “What reason would my daughter have to lie about something like that?”

  “I really couldn’t say.” He was really trying not to go there with Javier. Nate leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. “I think your daughter is incredibly talented and has the potential to be a huge star. Our relationship is and always has been professional.”

  “Not all that professional. You’ve done nothing but badger Ivy the entire time she was recording at your studio.”

  “That’s not what happened.” But Nate knew he was wasting his breath. Still, he persisted. “Ivy and I had creative differences, that’s all.”

  “Well, Ivy wants Hunter Graves to step in as the producer.”

  “Trent and I have already spoken about this and I understand.” Nate didn’t add that he’d thrown Hunter at Ivy hoping for this exact result. “I’m sure they’ll work well together.”

  “She has a lot riding on this album,” Javier said. “I hope the label is ready to get behind her.”

  “Of course. Ivy is very important to West Coast Records. The intention is to get behind her one hundred percent.”

  This last seemed to mollify Ivy’s father and the conversation ended more cordially than it had begun.

  After Nate hung up with Mia’s father, he raked his fingers through his hair and spent several minutes calming down. He couldn’t call Mia, given his mood. When he felt sufficiently chilled, he dialed her number. Once again it went to voice mail. He left her a quick message, summarizing his conversation with her father. And then he returned to the recording studio to wait for her to call him back.

  That call didn’t come until a little after nine. He’d just let himself into his hotel room in LA and was about to leave Mia another text when she called.


  “Hey.” Air gusted from his lungs. He was so relieved to hear her voice. “Did you get my messages?”

  “Ah...” She drew the word out. “Not until just now. I’m sorry.”

  Nate reined in his concern. She sounded mortified, but her voice lacked the tense edge from that morning. He realized that whatever she’d been up to, she’d discovered some peace.

  “I cleared my schedule and came to LA. Where are you?”

  “Ah...” Again that strange little pause. “I’m not in LA. Last minute, I decided to visit Eva in Chicago.”

  “That’s not what we discussed this morning.”

  “I know, but I just needed a little more time to think things through and Eva has always been the voice of sanity in our family.”

  Nate was torn between frustration, relief and concern. Frustration, because he wanted Mia’s priorities to shift from her family to him. What would it have taken for her to text him before her flight and let him know where she was bound? But he wasn’t going to react as her family would, pushing her around, telling her what she should and shouldn’t do.

  He was relieved because when he hadn’t heard from her since dropping her at the airport, he’d begun thinking all sorts of terrible things. Didn’t she realize she meant the world to him, even before he found out she was carrying his child? Why was it she refused to believe anyone would want to put her first? Surely it couldn’t all be laid at Ivy’s feet.

  And lastly he felt concern because if she’d fled to Chicago instead of confronting her problems and going to LA, then she was a lot more out of sorts than she’d let on.

  “What did Eva tell you?” Nate made his voice as calm as possible.

  “Nothing that I didn’t already know. That Ivy is insecure and has a knack for spoiling other people’s happiness.”

  “So what are you going to do about that?”

  “Be happy in spite of her?”

  “You don’t sound very convinced.”

  “What is wrong with me?” Mia blurted out.

  He wished he was there to offer her support, but as he’d often remarked about Ivy needing to become more responsible, Mia also needed to not only claim her independence, but also accept that she deserved to be happy.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. It isn’t your fault that your parents put too great a burden on you at such a young age. They pushed Ivy to be a star and made you her keeper.” Nate paused and listened, wishing he could see Mia face. “There’s nothing wrong with you,” he repeated, more quietly this time. “Tomorrow you’ll fly back to LA, and then you and I will go talk to your parents together.”

  “Okay.” It was a squeaky whisper, as if something was blocking her voice.

  “I have your back.”

  “Thank you.” She sounded clearer and more confident.

  “You don’t have to thank me. It’s time someone took care of you. And from now on that someone is me.”

  Her laughter was the most wonderful thing he’d heard all day. He wished he was there to see happiness brighten her eyes and soften the curve of her lips.

  “You know I love you, right?”

  She tossed out the phrase with such an ease that he wasn’t sure if she meant it as a heartfelt pledge or if they were just words that conveyed her fondness. She still hadn’t committed to moving to Las Vegas to be with him. And instead of going to LA to confront her family, she’d run off to Chicago.

  “I do now,” he teased back, but his heart was a brick in his chest. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  * * *

  Nate’s presence was a solid comfort at her side as Mia pushed the doorbell of Ivy’s house the next afternoon. It felt weird to not just let herself in. She’d lived here with Ivy for nearly two years, coming and going at will. But it had never been her home, and since Ivy had tossed her out four days earlier, it didn’t feel right to just walk in.

  Clara answered the door. The housekeeper gave Mia a tentative smile as she stepped back to let them in, but sadness overcame her features as Mia’s eyes fell on the stack of boxes in the foyer.

  “I’m so sorry. She made me pack up all your things.”

  Mia gave the woman a hug. “It’s okay.” The pile was small enough to fit into their rental SUV: just her clothes, her journals and a few mementos. It was a sad reflection on Mia’s personal life to this point.

  “How is Ivy doing?”

  With a furtive glance over her shoulder, Clara shook her head. “Sh

  “Mia?” Javier Navarro stood at the far end of the foyer, radiating impatience and disapproval. “We’re waiting for you in the living room.”

  Nate squeezed her shoulder and Mia gave Clara a reassuring smile. As the housekeeper stepped aside, Mia lifted her chin. Then, fortified by Nate’s support, she headed toward her father. Javier’s eyes flickered from her to Nate.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea that he’s here.”

  “We have something to tell you.” Mia’s stomach was a knot of anxiety as she and Nate entered the living room. Only her mother occupied the space. “Where’s Ivy?”

  “She doesn’t want to see you,” her mother said.

  Mia frowned. “I imagine she doesn’t want to face up to what she’s done.”

  “And what is that, exactly?” Javier asked, stepping to his wife’s side.

  “Lied about being pregnant for one.” Mia wasn’t surprised at her parents’ relief. A baby wouldn’t be good for Ivy’s career. “It was my test she splashed all over social media.” Mia glanced up at Nate. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  Mia’s mother gasped. “Why would she do that?”

  Her spirits plummeted at her mother’s words. She’d just announced the most amazing thing that had ever happened to her, but all her parents could think about was Ivy. Her throat tightened.

  “It’s a cry for help.”

  “Then you should be here to help her,” Javier said.

  Beside her, Mia felt Nate tense as the familiar scene played out. “She doesn’t want me around anymore,” Mia explained.

  “I take it back.” A soft voice spoke up from the glass doors leading out to the pool. Ivy stood just outside. Wearing workout clothes and no makeup, she looked fragile, unsure and younger than her twenty-five years. “I don’t want you to leave me.”

  Mia glanced over her shoulder at Nate and saw his dismay. He was her future. She couldn’t imagine her life any other way. But Ivy was her twin and she couldn’t go with Nate until she’d made peace with her.

  “Let me go talk to her,” Mia said, her gaze lingering on his as she silently pleaded with him to understand.

  A muscle worked in his jaw, and then he nodded to the boxes beside the front door. “I’ll take those out to the SUV.”

  Before he could go, Mia stepped into his space and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I love you,” she said, her cheek pressed against his chest.

  His arms bound her to him until she could barely breathe. “I love you, too.”

  The words made her smile. She pulled back and looked up at him. “And I’m choosing you.”

  The relief on his face made her heart stop. He set his forehead against hers. “Thank you.” With a quick, hard kiss he let her go. “I’ll wait for you outside.”

  Ignoring her parents, Mia ran across the room and put her arms around Ivy. At first her sister resisted, then her body went limp and she hugged back.

  “Don’t leave me,” Ivy murmured again, her voice muffled against Mia’s shoulder.

  “You know I have to go. I love Nate. I can’t live without him.”

  “I can’t do any of this without you.”

  “You can and you will. Stop letting Dad pressure you into doing things. Fire him if you have to. Ditch Skylar and Riley. Get clean. Forget about the stupid album. Start a fashion line. Do what you want. I’ll support you.”

  “I’m so sorry about how I treated you.”

  “I know.” As she hugged Ivy she felt as if she got her sister back.

  “I’m glad you and Nate are together.”

  “That means a lot to me.”

  “We never hooked up, you know.”

  “I do.”

  “He’s only ever had eyes for you. I saw that while we were on tour and I was so afraid he would take you away from me. But in the end I knew that you needed to go.” Ivy gave her a sad smile. “That’s why I leaked that you wrote all my songs. I needed a reason to fire you.”

  Mia was stunned. “You did that?” Her throat closed up. “For me?”

  “I knew you wouldn’t stop worrying about me.”

  “But you just asked me to stay.”

  “I didn’t realize how lonely it would be not having you around.” Ivy dashed tears from her cheeks. “Now, get out of here before I stop being nice and go all Ivy Bliss on your ass.”

  Mia laughed. “I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  With one final hug, Mia left her sister and retraced her steps through the living room. She gave her parents a brief nod and burst through Ivy’s front door, feeling free for the first time in eight years.

  Nate waited for her by the SUV, his tall figure relaxed as she sped across the distance between them. His broad smile became her whole world as she flung herself into his arms and kissed him.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Taking her by the hand, he led her to the car, opened the passenger door and ushered her inside. Seconds later he was sliding behind the wheel and starting the engine.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the shipping store for these boxes, and then the airport. I intend to get you settled in Las Vegas before you change your mind.”

  “I’m not going to do that,” she assured him.

  An hour later they were walking hand in hand toward the security checkpoint at LAX when Nate pulled her out of the traffic flow. She gazed up at him in surprise as he gave her a sheepish grin.

  “This isn’t at all how I’d planned to do this, but it occurs to me they’re going to make me empty my pockets.” He pulled out a small box and popped the lid. Nestled in the black velvet was a diamond ring. “Mia Navarro, love of my life, will you marry me?”

  Stunned to silence, she stared at the gorgeous ring and then lifted her gaze to his.

  When she didn’t speak, his brows drew together. “I’m not asking because you’re pregnant. I’m not that guy.”

  “You are exactly that guy.” She gave a self-conscious laugh. “Which is why I love you.”

  The look on his face set her heart to pounding. “Say that again,” he demanded.

  “Say what?”

  “That you love me.”

  “I love you.”

  “And,” he prompted.

  “And I absolutely will marry you.”

  He took her hand in his and slid the ring onto her finger. “You are my world.”

  Mia put her palm against his cheek and leaned close. “You are mine. Forever and always.”

  And after a tender kiss that sealed their vows, they headed for the plane that would take them home.

  * * * * *

  If you liked this story of romance in Vegas pick up these other LAS VEGAS NIGHTS novels from Cat Schield





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  The Rancher’s Cinderella Bride

  by Sara Orwig



  Gabe Callahan sat on the porch of his ranch house with his booted feet propped on a rail as he watched a red pickup race up the road and onto the circular drive in front of the house. Aldridge Landscape Design was in red letters on the side, against a white circle background. Having known the driver as far back in his life as he could remember, he couldn’t imagine what could have made her so desperate to call him, let alone to drive the two hours southwest from Dallas to his ranch. Unless she had been in Downly, the nearest town and only thirty minutes away from him. For Meg the drive would be longer.

  As the truck screeched to a stop, he winced and stood, walking to the top of the steps. He waited there till Megan Louise Aldridge popped out of the pickup and charged toward the porch.

  “Good morning, Meg,” he said, addressing her the way he had since she had been in preschool and he had been in the first grade. He nodded toward the pickup. “When are you going to learn to drive?”