Two-Week Texas Seduction Read online

Page 17

  “So, what do you want me to do? Be friends with her again?”

  “I’d like for you to give up feeling sorry for yourself and tell that girl how much she means to you.”

  “What makes you think she means anything to me?”

  “From what I hear, you’ve been an ornery, unlikable jerk this last week and I think it’s because you love that girl and she hurt you.”

  Shane stood with his hands on his hips, glaring at his mother, while in his chest a storm raged. He did love Brandee, but the emotion he felt wasn’t wondrous and happy. It was raw and painful and terrifying.

  “Now,” his mother continued, her tone calm and practical. “I’m going to go home and you are going to tell that girl that you love her. After which the two of you are going to sit down and figure out a way to get past this whole ‘her ranch, our land’ thing. Because if you can’t, she told me she’s going to sell everything and leave Royal. You’ll never see her again and I don’t think that’s what you want.”

  Shane stared out at the vista behind the ranch house long after the French door closed behind his mother.

  When he reentered the house, Brandee was still standing by the bar where he’d left her. “You’re still here.”

  “I came with your mother and she refused to give me a ride back to her house, where my truck is parked.” She took a step in his direction and stopped. After surveying his expression for several seconds, her gaze fell to his feet. “Look, I’m sorry about what I did. Whatever you want me to do about the land, I will.”

  “I don’t give a damn about the land and I’m certainly not going to kick you off and take away everything you worked so hard to build.” He sucked in a shaky breath.

  This was his chance to push aside bitterness and be happy. He’d lost his father before making peace with him and was haunted by that. Losing Brandee would make his life hell.

  “What I want more than anything is...” He dug the heels of both hands into his eyes. Deep inside he recognized that everything would be better if he just spoke what was in his heart. Shane let his hands fall to his sides and regarded her with naked longing. “You.”

  Her head came up. Tears shone in her eyes as she scanned his expression. “Are you sure?” she whispered, covering her mouth and staring at him with a look of heartbreaking hope.

  “I am.” Shane crossed the distance between them and put his arms around her. For the first time in a week, everything was perfect in his world. “I love you and I can’t bear to spend another second apart.”

  His lips claimed hers, drinking in her half sob and turning it into a happy sigh.

  When he finally let her come up for air, she framed his face with her fingers and gazed into his eyes. “Then you’re not mad at me anymore?”

  “For what? Trying to save your ranch and your dreams?” He shook his head. “I don’t think I was ever really angry with you for that. I fell in love with you and when I found the documents I thought you’d been playing me the whole time.”

  “I should have told you about the blackmail after we made love that first time. I knew then that I was falling for you, but I didn’t know how to trust my feelings and then there was that stupid bet.” She shook her head.

  “You weren’t the only one struggling. I lost interest in your land after the tornado tore through Royal. I only agreed to the wager to spend time with you. All along I’d planned to lose.”

  She stared at him, an incredulous expression spreading across her features. “Then why did you work so hard to win?”

  “Are you kidding?” He chuckled. “The bet was for you to fall for me. That was the real prize.”

  “I love you.” Brandee set her cheek against his chest and hugged him tight. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m really glad Maverick blackmailed me. If it hadn’t happened, I never would’ve invited you to move in.”

  Shane growled. “I’ll buy Maverick a drink and then knock his lights out.”

  “We don’t know who he or she is.”

  “I asked Gabe to investigate. He’ll figure out who Maverick is.” Shane scooped Brandee off her feet and headed for the master suite. “In the meantime, I’d like to see how you look in my bed.”

  Brandee laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m sure not much different than I looked in mine.”

  There she was wrong. As he stripped off her lacy top and snug jeans, the shadows he’d often glimpsed in her eyes were gone. All he could see was the clear light of love shining for him. There was no more need for either of them to hide. This was the first step toward a new partnership. In love and in life.

  With her glorious blond hair fanned across his pillow and her blue-gray eyes devouring his body while he peeled off his clothes, Shane decided she was the most incredible woman he’d ever known.

  He set his knee on the bed and leaned forward to frame her cheek with his fingers. His thumb drifted over her full lower lip. “You’re looking particularly gorgeous today.”

  She placed her hand over his and turned to drop a kiss in his palm. With her free hand, she reached up to draw him down to her. “You’re not looking so bad yourself, Delgado.”

  And when their lips met, both were smiling.

  * * * * *

  Don’t miss a single installment of the TEXAS CATTLEMAN’S CLUB: BLACKMAIL. No secret—or heart—is safe in Royal, Texas...


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  November 2017: THE TEXAN TAKES A WIFE

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  by USA TODAY bestselling author Kathie DeNosky

  * * *

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  If you like sexy and steamy stories with strong heroines and irresistible heroes, you’ll love FORGED IN DESIRE by New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson—featuring Margo Connelly and Lamar “Striker” Jennings, the reformed bad boy who’ll do anything to protect her, even if it means lowering the defenses around his own heart...

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  Forged in Desire

  by Brenda Jackson


  “FINALLY, WE GET to go home.”

  Margo Connelly was certain the man’s words echoed the sentiment they all felt. The last thing she’d expected when reporting for jury duty was to be sequestered during the entire trial...especially with twelve strangers, more than a few of whom had taken the art of bitching to a whole new level.

  She was convinced this had been the longest, if not the most miserable, six weeks of her life, as well as a lousy way to start off the new year. They hadn’t been allowed to have any inbound or outbound calls, read the newspapers, check any emails, watch television or listen to the radio. The only good thing was, with the vote just taken, a unanimous decision had been reached and justice would be served. The federal case against Murphy Erickson would finally be over and they would be allowed to go home.

  “It’s time to let the bailiff know we’ve reached a decision,” Nancy Snyder spoke up, interrupting Margo’s thoughts. “I have a man waiting at home, who I haven’t seen in six weeks, and I can’t wait to get to him.”

  Lucky you, Margo thought, leaning back in her chair. She and Scott Dylan had split over a year ago, and the parting hadn’t been pretty.

  Fortunately, as a wedding-dress designer, she could work from anywhere and had decided to move back home to Charlottesville. She could be near her uncle Frazier, her father’s brother and the man who’d become her guardian when her parents had died in a house fire when she was ten. He was her only living relative and, although they often butted heads, she had missed him while living in New York.

  A knock on the door got everyone’s attention. The bailiff had arrived. Hopefully, in a few hours it would all be over and the judge would release them. She couldn’t wait to get back to running her business. Six weeks had been a long time away. Lucky for her she had finished her last order in time for the bride’s Christmas wedding. But she couldn’t help wondering how many new orders she might have missed while on jury duty.

  The bailiff entered and said, “The judge has called the court back in session for the reading of the verdict. We’re ready to escort you there.”

  Like everyone else in the room, Margo stood. She was ready for the verdict to be read. It was only after this that she could get her life back.

  * * *

  “FOREMAN, HAS THE jury reached a verdict?” the judge asked.

  “Yes, we have, Your Honor.”

  The courtroom was quiet as the verdict was read. “We, the jury, find Murphy Erickson guilty of murder.”

  Suddenly Erickson bowled over and laughed. It made the hairs on the necks of everyone in attendance stand up. The outburst prompted the judge to hit his gavel several times. “Order in the courtroom. Counselor, quiet the defendant or he will be found in contempt of court.”

  “I don’t give a damn about any contempt,” Erickson snarled loudly. “You!” he said, pointing a finger at the judge. “Along with everyone else in this courtroom, you have just signed your own death warrant. As long as I remain locked up, someone in here will die every seventy-two hours.” His gaze didn’t miss a single individual.

  Pandemonium broke out. The judge pounded his gavel, trying to restore order. Police officers rushed forward to subdue Erickson and haul him away. But the sound of his threats echoed loudly in Margo’s ears.


  LAMAR “STRIKER” JENNINGS walked into the hospital room, stopped and then frowned. “What the hell is he doing working from bed?”

  “I asked myself the same thing when I got his call for us to come here,” Striker’s friend Quasar Patterson said, sitting lazily in a chair with his long legs stretched out in front of him.

  “And you might as well take a seat like he told us to do,” another friend, Stonewall Courson, suggested, while pointing to an empty chair. “Evidently it will take more than a bullet to slow down Roland.”

  Roland Summers, CEO of Summers Security Firm, lay in the hospital bed, staring at them. Had it been just last week that the man had been fighting for his life after foiling an attempted carjacking?

  “You still look like shit, Roland. Shouldn’t you be trying to get some rest instead of calling a meeting?” Striker asked, sliding his tall frame into the chair. He didn’t like seeing Roland this way. They’d been friends a long time, and he couldn’t ever recall the man being sick. Not even with a cold. Well, at least he was alive. That damn bullet could have taken him out and Striker didn’t want to think about that.

  “You guys have been keeping up with the news?” Roland asked in a strained voice, interrupting Striker’s thoughts.

  “We’re aware of what’s going on, if that’s what you want to know,” Stonewall answered. “Nobody took Murphy Erickson’s threat seriously.”

  Roland made an attempt to nod his head. “And now?”

  “And now people are panicking. Phones at the office have been ringing off the hook. I’m sure every protective security service in town is booked solid. Everyone in the courtroom that day is either in hiding or seeking protection, and with good reason,” Quasar piped in to say. “The judge, clerk reporter and bailiff are all dead. All three were gunned down within seventy-two hours of each other.”

  “The FBI is working closely with local law enforcement, and they figure it’s the work of the same assassin,” Striker added. “I heard they anticipate he’ll go after someone on the jury next.”

  “Which is why I called the three of you here. There was a woman on the jury who I want protected. It’s personal.”

  “Personal?” Striker asked, lifting a brow. He knew Roland dated off and on, but he’d never been serious with anyone. He was always quick to say that his wife, Becca, had been his one and only love.

  “Yes, personal. She’s a family member.”

  The room got quiet. That statement was even more baffling since, as far as the three of them knew, Roland didn’t have any least not anymore. They were all aware of his history. He’d been a cop, who’d discovered some of his fellow officers on the take. Before he could blow the whistle he’d been framed and sent to prison for fifteen years. Becca had refused to accept his fate and worked hard to get him a new trial. He served three years before finally leaving prison, but not before the dirty cops murdered Roland’s wife. All the cops involved had eventually been brought to justice and charged with the death of Becca Summers, in addition to other crimes.

  “You said she’s family?” Striker asked, looking confused.

  “Yes, although I say that loosely since we’ve never officially met. I know who she is, but she doesn’t know I even exist.” Roland then closed his eyes, and Striker knew he had to be in pain.

  “Man, you need to rest,” Quasar spoke up. “You can cover this with us another time.”

  Roland’s eyes flashed back open. “No, we need to talk now. I need one of you protecting her right away.”

  Nobody said anything for a mi
nute and then Striker asked, “What relation is she to you, man?”

  “My niece. To make a long story short, years ago my mom got involved with a married man. He broke things off when his wife found out about the affair but not before I was conceived. I always knew the identity of my father. I also knew about his other two, older sons, although they didn’t know about me. I guess you can say I was the old man’s secret.

  “One day after I’d left for college, I got a call from my mother letting me know the old man was dead but he’d left me something in his will.”

  Striker didn’t say anything, thinking that at least Roland’s old man had done right by him in the end. To this day, his own poor excuse of a father hadn’t even acknowledged his existence. “That’s when your two brothers found out about you?” he asked.

  “Yes. Their mother found out about me, as well. She turned out to be a real bitch. Even tried blocking what Connelly had left for me in the will. But she couldn’t. The old man evidently had anticipated her making such a move and made sure the will was ironclad. He gave me enough to finish college without taking out student loans with a little left over.”

  “Good for him,” Quasar said. “What about your brothers? How did they react to finding out about you?”

  “The eldest acted like a dickhead,” Roland said without pause. “The other one’s reaction was just the opposite. His name was Murdock and he reached out to me afterward. I would hear from him from time to time. He would call to see how I was doing.”

  Roland didn’t say anything for a minute, his face showing he was struggling with strong emotions. “Murdock is the one who gave Becca the money to hire a private investigator to reopen my case. I never got the chance to thank him.”

  “Why?” Quasar asked.

  Roland drew in a deep breath and then said, “Murdock and his wife were killed weeks before my new trial began.”

  “How did they die?”