Revenge with Benefits Read online

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  “I’m Zoe...” Her mind froze before she could add her last name. For eight years she’d gone by Zoe Crosby. Those days were done.

  “Nice to meet you, Zoe,” Ryan said, smoothly filling in the awkward gap. The way his gray eyes sharpened with interest, he seemed to mean it.

  “Nice to meet you, too.” She couldn’t seem to peel her gaze free, but had enough presence of mind to lift her elbow and alert him that she no longer needed his continued support.

  His steely fingers relaxed and slid away, but her skin prickled beneath her black leather jacket as she continued to react to the pressure of his touch.

  “You’re new to Susannah’s campaign,” he remarked.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “If you’d been around before, I would’ve noticed you.”

  His comment reawakened those anxious flutters in her stomach. The interest in his eyes was a little too keen, so Zoe settled deeper into playing her role of eager volunteer with nothing to hide.

  “I’m really interested in volunteering for the campaign, but it seems like today might not be the best day to be here.” She indicated the cluster of staff and then glanced toward the front door. “They seem really busy. Maybe I’ll come back another time.”

  “Don’t go.” His cajoling smile sent a lance of delight through her. “Come on. I’ll introduce you.”

  Zoe found herself smiling in return. “How about I wait right here and if they have time, you wave me over.”

  Offering her a brief nod, he moved past her.

  Zoe stared after him, appalled and thrilled in turns.

  That was Ryan Dailey?

  Despite her promise to stay, she slipped out the front door, sucking in a huge breath of air as she escaped the charged atmosphere. No wonder Everly had suggested Zoe focus on the sister. Taking down such a formidable man would’ve been beyond Zoe’s abilities even if she hadn’t been brought low by her ex-husband’s cold-blooded machinations.

  Yet, Ryan Dailey wasn’t Tristan. He didn’t seem the sort who took pleasure in being ruthless. That didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous, especially given what had happened to Everly’s sister, but Zoe didn’t sense she was in peril.

  At least not yet.

  * * *

  Interesting, Ryan mused. Bumping into her had stirred something that had been missing from his life for a long time. Lust. When was the last time he’d noticed a woman and wanted to put his mark on her? To take her to bed and satisfy a basic physical need, indulge in a whole host of dirty fantasies?

  The chemistry between them had shivered across his nerve endings and rattled his bones. As he headed to the back of the office, he continued to be aware of her presence. He rubbed his chest where her shoulder had struck him. The spot seemed to buzz in the aftermath of the contact. In fact, the collision had started a chain reaction through his body.

  But the uptick in Ryan’s mood faded fast as he approached the campaign staffers huddled in front of the TV. The news segment on Lyle Abernathy entering the state senate race was over, but the strategizing about how to handle things was just getting started.

  Ryan joined the group, noting Gil Moore’s grim expression. “Hi, Gil.”

  “Hey, Ryan. I take it you heard.”

  “About Abernathy? Yeah.”

  “It’s going to be bad,” the campaign manager said.

  “How’s Susannah doing?”

  “You know her motto. Never let them see you sweat.”

  Ryan acknowledged Gil’s words with a nod. “Someone is here to volunteer. Her name is...” Ryan turned to where he’d left Zoe standing only to discover she’d gone. “Damn it.”

  He couldn’t believe he was panicking. It spoke to the strong effect she had on him. Now that she’d bolted, he couldn’t bear the thought that he’d never see her again.

  “Looks like she took off.”

  “She didn’t think her timing was right.”

  “Hopefully we haven’t scared her off for good,” Gil said. “Did you get a name?”

  “Zoe.” It wasn’t much. Definitely not enough to track her down. “If she comes back, can you let me know? She has really short blond hair and a black leather jacket. Sort of a bohemian style.”

  Gil nodded. “We’ll keep a lookout.”

  “Thanks.” Ryan was grateful the campaign manager didn’t ask any more questions. “I’d better go find out how Susannah’s doing.”

  He headed towards his twin sister’s office near the back of the building. On entering, he found her seated at her desk, staring at her computer. Her long black hair lay in a sleek curtain against her royal blue suit. Her beautiful face was relaxed; she looked not the least bit flustered that her campaign had just gotten that much harder.

  Susannah looked up, her gray eyes narrowing. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see if you’re okay.” Ryan knew it was a useless gesture as soon as he spoke. Still, he didn’t regret rushing over. It had enabled him to meet Zoe.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake! You and Mom. I just got off the phone with her a few minutes ago. I’m fine.” And she meant it. Even when they were kids nothing had seemed to faze Susannah. Her unflappability would serve her well in the months to come. “Lyle is barely more than a speed bump.”

  Ryan glanced over his shoulder to where her staff had fallen to conversing in low tones among themselves. “Gil doesn’t seem to share your opinion.”

  “He likes to worry.”

  “You don’t worry enough.”

  “What good would it do me?” Susannah asked, her brows coming together. “Lyle switched districts because he wasn’t going to get elected to a fourth term, and he’s too arrogant to believe that I won’t be as much competition as Jeb Harrell.”

  “It’s your first shot at running for state senate.”

  And you’re a woman. Ryan knew better than to add the second part. Abernathy would throw dirt at Susannah any way he could. It was a sure bet he would use her gender against her.

  “I’m a fantastic candidate for this district and everyone knows it.” She paused and gave him a cocky little smile. “Including Lyle Abernathy.”

  “That’ll just make him play dirty.”

  “I’m as squeaky clean as it gets,” his twin reminded him. Then, seeing Ryan’s continued doubt, she huffed impatiently. “There’s nothing for him to use against me.”

  “That won’t stop him. He’ll make stuff up.”

  “We’ll be ready.”

  Ryan opened his mouth to argue but decided he’d be wasting his breath. Susannah Dailey-Kirby was not a woman in need of his assistance.

  The walls separating Susannah’s office from the rest of the campaign headquarters were made of glass. Blinds had been added in case she needed privacy, but at the moment they were open. Ryan caught himself glancing a third time toward the front door where he’d last glimpsed Zoe.

  Susannah followed the direction of his gaze. “Looking for something?”

  “Someone. Your newest volunteer.”

  “I don’t see anyone.”

  “With everything going on, she left before anyone met her. I was hoping she’d changed her mind and come back.”

  “My,” his sister drawled, “she must’ve been something for you to be this interested. Was she pretty?”


  Was he crazy to be so preoccupied with a woman he’d talked to for less than a minute? But then he remembered how bumping into her had short-circuited his system and knocked all thoughts of politics and Lyle Abernathy from his mind.

  “Very pretty?”

  “Very pretty. But she was different from the women I’m usually attracted to.”

  “How so?”

  For a second Ryan wondered if he could put into words his unexpected reaction. He met hundreds of women a year. Why this pa
rticular one? While beautiful, she wasn’t the most stunning woman he’d ever met and he hadn’t spoken with her long enough to determine if she was bright or funny. Yet her impact on him lingered.

  “She dressed like a badass. Black jeans and a graphic tee. Spiky blond hair and dark makeup. Sort of a ‘flower child meets rock-and-roll’ vibe.” Yet beneath the tough-girl exterior he’d sensed her vulnerability.

  “Seriously?” His sister made no attempt to hide her amusement. “You’re right. That doesn’t sound like your type at all.”

  He was tired of dating successful, sophisticated women like his sister—women who made it their mission to kick the world’s ass. He wanted someone who could use his help. A woman who wasn’t afraid to need him. “Maybe what I need is someone totally different.”

  Despite his mistakes with Kelly Briggs, Ryan liked the idea of being someone’s hero and he refused to shy away from the arrogance of being convinced he was right when he acted in another person’s best interest. Sure, maybe in this day and age women didn’t want to be rescued or helped. Maybe they demanded the power in their relationships be balanced and equal. Ryan wasn’t opposed to that, but what was wrong with letting their guard down and letting a guy flex his muscles once in a while?

  Zoe intrigued him. He’d glimpsed something in her eyes that triggered his protective instincts. Which might prove problematic, given what had happened when he’d tried to help Kelly Briggs. She’d misinterpreted his assistance as some deep emotional connection between them. When he’d explained his concern was strictly platonic, she’d struck out against his company in a vicious act of revenge.

  “But this isn’t about me,” Ryan objected. “It’s about your campaign. You need all the help you can get. Especially now that Lyle has joined the race.”

  “Sure.” His sister gave him a wry smile. “You keep telling yourself that. I hope she comes back.” Susannah’s eyes twinkled. “For the campaign’s sake, of course.” She paused to let her ribbing sink in and then added, “What did you say her name was?”

  “Zoe. Hopefully she’ll come back.”

  “If she does, we’ll make sure we get all her details. I don’t want her to disappear on you a second time.”

  Ryan opened his mouth to deny his interest and sighed instead. “That would be great. I have to get going. Call me if anything new comes up.”

  Before he could go, Susannah caught his arm. “I love you, big brother. Thanks for worrying about me even if I don’t really need it.”

  He covered her hand with his. “It’s what I do.”

  “I know. And I worry about you in turn.” She spoke in a low tone. “I hope your mystery woman comes back and that she’s great because you deserve someone fabulous in your life.”

  “I’m fine,” he said automatically.

  “Of course you’re fine,” she countered. “But I want you to be fantastic and the right woman could do that for you.”

  Susannah had married the first man she’d ever dated and they lived the blissful life of the perfect couple. She and Jefferson had been married for ten years and had two beautiful children, Violet and Casey, ages six and eight. In addition to being a supportive wife and supermom, she was a corporate attorney with the top law firm in the city. Every day she strove to take successful to new levels and did it with grace and ease.

  “Jeff is a lucky man to have you,” Ryan said. “I’m afraid you might have set the bar too high for my future wife.”

  With a quick wave of her hand, Susannah dismissed his compliment. “We’re a great team. I couldn’t do any of this without him.”

  While Ryan wondered if that was true, he gave her a hard hug and took his leave.

  Despite his sister’s confidence that she could handle whatever trash Lyle threw at her in the senate race, Ryan didn’t like this new development. It was time for him to pay his buddy downtown a visit. He might have a fresh take on what sort of dirty tricks they could expect in the months between now and election day.


  The day after Zoe’s first attempt to join Susannah Dailey-Kirby’s state senate campaign, she returned to the storefront, hoping for less chaos and no Ryan. Although the atmosphere continued to buzz with activity and anticipation, the staffers were no longer in crisis mode. She was greeted as soon as the door closed behind her.

  “Hi, I’m Tonya.” A pretty redhead in her midtwenties wearing jeans and a T-shirt emblazoned with Dailey for Senate approached Zoe. “Is there something I can do to help you?”

  “Yes, I was here yesterday and—”

  Tanya interrupted her. “Are you Zoe?”

  That the staffer knew her name sent a shock through Zoe. Had she been found out already? Impossible.


  “Wonderful. We’re so glad you came back. Ryan mentioned that you’d stopped by but left before we could get any of your information.”

  “You all looked really busy,” Zoe said, hoping her relief didn’t show. “I just thought I’d try a different time.”

  “Well, we’re really glad you did. Have you ever volunteered for a political campaign before?”

  Zoe shook her head and Tonya began to describe the various activities volunteers could participate in.

  “Why don’t you come sit at my desk and I’ll get some basic information from you.”

  While it was easy for Zoe to give Tonya her email and phone number, when it came to her home address, she was cagier. “I’m crashing with a friend at the moment. Can I give you a PO Box?”

  Tonya looked doubtful but nodded. “I guess that would be okay. Are you looking for a permanent place?”

  “That’s the plan.” Zoe pictured her cot in the back room of the retail space she’d rented a year earlier. That was before legal fees had consumed her divorce settlement and jeopardized her dream of running a consignment store that helped victims of domestic violence get back on their feet financially. “I just need something I can afford.”

  “Sure.” Tonya went on to ask questions about what sort of work Zoe did and what she saw herself doing for the campaign.

  While Zoe answered Tonya’s questions, her gaze was drawn toward the large glassed-in office at the back of the campaign headquarters. From this angle, Zoe could see Susannah working on her computer. Zoe’s gut tightened. She was dreading her first meeting with Susannah, knowing she was going to do everything she could to cause the woman harm.

  Guilt gouged her conscience. She’d been so focused on getting through her divorce and being angry at everything Tristan had done to her that she’d barely considered the damage her bargain with London and Everly would do to an innocent third party. Zoe gave herself a mental shake. She couldn’t start thinking like this or she’d never be able to go through with what she planned. Instead, she focused on Everly’s justification that Ryan deserved to feel the sort of pain and frustration Everly had gone through because of what he’d done to her sister.

  While she shied away from dwelling on the ethics of what she and her coconspirators were up to, Zoe heard the front door open behind her and noted how the energy in the room ratcheted up several notches. Tonya’s attention shifted past Zoe and her expression relaxed into a relieved half smile. Alarm bells began to ring in Zoe’s mind. Had she been found out? Was someone coming to haul her away? She balled her hands in her lap and dug her fingernails into her palms to fight down panic. Letting her imagination run amok wasn’t going to make her job any easier.

  “Hi, Ryan,” Tonya said, her smile turning supernova. “How are you doing today?”

  Learning that Ryan was the person who’d just arrived didn’t calm Zoe’s nerves at all. She’d bolted after meeting him the day before, determining she was too rattled by her sharp reaction to their brief encounter to stick around and pretend she was just an average campaign volunteer.

  Now, feeling Ryan’s approach in a rush of tingles over h
er skin, Zoe contemplated the younger woman and realized that Tonya had a crush on the handsome businessman. This gave Zoe a little breathing room. At least all eyes wouldn’t be on her for now.

  “I’m great,” Ryan said in his velvet voice. “How are you doing, Tonya?”

  The woman rolled her eyes significantly. “Way better than yesterday. The news about Lyle was such a shock. But of course Susannah calmed everyone down. She’s so amazing.”

  The hero worship in Tanya’s eyes might have amused Zoe if her own heart wasn’t pounding so hard in reaction to Ryan Dailey.

  “She is that,” Ryan agreed as he stepped into Zoe’s line of sight. “You came back,” he said, a warm smile curving his sculpted lips. “That’s great.”

  Zoe’s gaze drifted upward over his light gray suit, white shirt and peach-colored tie. Her mouth was practically watering by the time she noted the faint stubble on his chin that gave him a slightly rakish air.

  While preparing to take down Ryan Dailey, Zoe had done extensive online research. Despite his wealth and business success, the man wasn’t much for stepping into the public eye. She’d had only the headshot of him on his company’s web site to recognize him by. That photo hadn’t prepared her for the man’s compelling presence.

  By contrast, his sister enjoyed being in the spotlight. She was on the board of several charities focused on children’s issues. With her husband at her side, she attended all sorts of events. Although Zoe had seen her many times over the years, they ran in completely different circles and never crossed paths. Zoe couldn’t imagine what she could possibly say to engage such a brilliant, successful lawyer.

  Whatever interests Ryan Dailey pursued in his personal life, he kept a tight lid on his activities. Zoe had found no trace of his love life in the media, but she suspected like so many wealthy and powerful men, he liked arm candy. Beautiful and sexy women that were meant to be showed off. They accentuated a man’s virility.

  But Ryan Dailey didn’t need help in that department.

  Zoe cursed as she noted her breathlessness. “Everyone seemed really busy yesterday,” she explained.

  “I’m glad you came back.”